Getting a Chance to Make a First Impression using Customer Survey

During these times there seems to be an upside for the customer. The Institute of customer service recently completed a large survey and it would seem that customer support appears to be improving possibly as a result of economic downturn.

Customer survey

As we increase our hunt for value, we are also getting more discerning and less tolerant of poor customer service businesses, many businesses realise if they are to have any chance of keeping customers, they will need to sharpen up their action in this crucial area of their business.

It is important for you and your organization to review your client service Policies and procedures and based on how big your company, there are numerous techniques you can adopt, such as client satisfaction surveys etc, it is also advisable to estimate how you answer phone calls or the way your company greets clients face to face, even if you just study both of these areas of you company, you may gauge how your customers feel about you, this way you can adjust it to match.


Client Satisfaction Survey is a powerful tool shared with the service provider with the client after he’s had an interaction with the customer service representative to speed his expertise together with evaluation on service related parameters such as resolution of his problem. This instrument is a Voice of Client that offers an insight on client’s experience, whether it was according to his expectations and whatever that has been lacking or may has been done better.

For the majority of the businesses, CSAT is connected to the performance evaluations on survey of their workers and it impacts their yearly bonus and increments. With digitization, things have completely changed and the transition phase has emerged. Due to the changing technology and other powerful factors:

  1. Clients have become very demanding and so have their expectations increased with simplicity of technology. They want to control everything through the click of an app. They do not want to waste their precious time visiting a shop or a service centre awaiting their turn unless it is unavoidable. They do not want to call up the phone centre, wait in the queue and then speak to people who act like robots reading a script rather than as human interface.
  2. There is whole lot of rivalry, which has contributed world numerous alternatives available online in addition to offline and that also cost effective ones. While there is a large basket for each Gofer.

The easiest way of accomplishing this is to provide an ongoing customer feedback program which allows customers to rate their support expertise on attributes which are really important to them, and making them aware of the way the feedback they have given has been used by the organisation to drive developments.